Welcome to another weekly roundup of Ice’s comic reviews! Comics for this week: Batman Europa #1 (Of 4), The Mighty Thor #1 and Uncanny Inhumans #2! Batman Europa #1 (Of 4) DC Written by: Matteo Casali & Brian Azzarelo Art by: Jim Lee Batman Europa is a special limited series that was supposed to be published ten years ago. Better late than never, right? Matteo and Azzarelo come together for a tale that has Bruce Wayne once again donning the cowl (no word on where in continuity, if it’s part of it, this lies— not that it really matters). Batman once again scuffles off with The Joker in the opening shot of the book, although it seems it’s one of those scenes that takes place in the future and then we’re brought back to what happens leading up to that moment. While it’s great to not only see Bruce-Batman back in action and having Jim Lee get to draw it, everything else isn’t on par. The dialogue is the worst offender because Bruce/Batman don’t speak the way they should. Even the way they act is off which is extremely distracting, taking you out of what’s going on. While you...